Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Blog 3: Topic Choice and Semester 1 ESLR Goals


1) Topic: Occupational Therapy

2) To show growth as an:

  • iPoly Citizen I will be participative by participating in spirit week as well as other school functions like dances. Also helping out on senior event committees. 
  • Effective Learner I will keep up with all my courses, stay organized by keeping an agenda to keep track deadlines. This will allow me to be prepared for anything (i.e. shows me the amount of time I have to study, how many days I have before something is due, etc.). To effectively learn my senior project topic I will absorb as much information as possible to understand occupational therapy the best I can.
  • Effective User of Technology I will take advantage of my accessibility to technology by emailing teachers if I have any questions and regularly checking the blog to keep up with assignments and due dates. I will also use it to research books and resources that will give me in-depth information about occupational therapy.
  • Effective Communicator I will effectively come in contact with people who work in the profession of occupational therapy. As well as communicating with my teachers if I have and problems with understanding any of my courses. I will be an effective communicator in the classroom by collaborating with my peers and/or group members when making decisions and enforce participation when it comes to house competitions. 

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